Thursday, October 8, 2020

Have hookups replaced dating?

A recent comment under a video said, “Only Boomers and Christians date”, and I have to wonder whether I can argue with this perspective, given the way people are getting together now?


  1. Since when did pre-marital sex start!?
    For centuries,sex before marriage was a big no-no,especially for women.There was this hard and fast rule.Sex after marriage was the rule and norm for most of the history.
    The kind of women we see today vs the kind of women in the past centuries...there is a massive contrast.The women of old were much sweeter,feminine,knew their place,cared for their appearance,put in the effort to lockdown to good and honourable man AND THE OLDER WOMEN KEPT YOUNGER WOMEN IN CHECK ALL THE TIMES.
    Today's modern woman is totally opposite of this.
    We can literally see women sleeping around and smiling and discussing about it,which honestly is bringing shame to her family and her future husband.
    So when did this start!?
    Was it feminism or the birth control pill or easy access to Abortion after Roe v Wade!?

  2. Women's lib, feminism, birth-control (as you mentioned)... all roughly happened the same time made women show their true nature because they could do whatever they wanted without consequence... so women exploited their greatest power (sex) because for the first time they had no consequences in using it like a lazy firehose.

    1. Hey huMAN!
      Thank You for taking out the time to reply and share your wisdom.
      So can we say that when now,that women are not in check,they do what they want and show their true nature.
      So is degenerancy their true nature!?
      I am sorry I don't want to be disespectful to anyone but....wait.....let us take the example of virginity.
      I hope unlike YouTube,this Blogspot doesn't censor and delete my reply.
      Since eternity,a woman not being a virgin on her wedding day/wedding night was extremely bad and shameful and scandalous.
      Now,these dimwit feminists literally advocate fot pre martital sex and hookups.
      When we ask these modern women and feminists that what is wrong in wanting to marry a virgin girl,they get triggered.
      Nowadays,women who find pre marital sex to be wrong are very few.
      But my main point is that most women find nothing wrong in it.
      Most women,when told that a woman's absence of absolute virginity will bring shame to her future husband's family,either they get trigegred or can't comprehend the magintude of the situation.They make the "I do not care" arguements or say most likely get mad at the person.
      This brings me another arguement that women can't understand virtue and honour.
      Virtue and honour is a masculine trait,is it!?
      That is why,today,when there is no one to check they do not feel any shame for not being virgins.Some women even go to the extent of sayimg that "whatever I did in the past,I do not regret"....such type of a woman,in my opinion,is not marriage material at all.
      I even read a man saying on Quora,that his wife's absence of virginity isn't a problem.Infact he was happy that she had a good time.
      It makes me want to throw up that such men even exist.
      Awaiting your reply huMAN!🙂
