Saturday, July 25, 2020

When emotion is MASSIVE, logic is defeated

I'm spending some time with a close friend, as he's stressing about getting married to a woman that's given him an ultimatum... "Marry me soon, or I'm leaving". My friend has spent years with her, and has now hit a fork in the road where he must make a choice, and it looks like he's simply going to give her everything she wants. He's my friend, and i can tell he need to get a lot off his chest and be clear about the decision he's going to make. It's not as clear cut as 'Just red-pill him!"... no. no, it is not.

When someone's on an emotional roller-coaster like this - logic can't often be heard.

1 comment:

  1. If a woman gives an ultimatum then she will never be "secure" in the relationship (IMHO). Being with someone should be enough, but I speak as a red pilled woman. If I remember correctly - lawyers will be involved with a pre-nup -- If she gave him an ultimatum what are the chances that she'll say something to the affect that she's offended that he would make her sign one or something like that?
    I have learned the hard way that these extreme sh*t tests only lead to more extremes unless the guy says no and calls her out on it. I hope for the best for him but have nothing but trepidation about the reality.
