Saturday, June 27, 2020

You're always in a relationship

You can leave an awful lover, but you're still left with yourself, and if the person in your head is WORSE than the person you left... well then, which relationship is better. Get better with the relationship you have with yourself, gentlemen.

The alone man

A man knows, that there I nothing beyond him. No one to really turn to in the end. He knows the buck stops with him, and women expect him to be ultimately responsible too... Deep down (when all is said and done and all is taken away from him), a man knows he's all alone in this world.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Beaten down by LOSS

I know females love it, but I am getting so tired of CHANGE (for change's sake)… whether it's women, jobs, movies, etc. Starting from ZERO, over and over again can wear a man down.

Why they ruin our favourite movies

They INTENTIONALLY make annoying movies to provoke online discussion, and then zero in on that attention to place advertising and marketing.

🔵 FINDING YOUR VOICE - ( A chat with Spetsnaz )

I almost didn’t publish this conversation because I thought the audio quality on my end was sub-par. I’m glad I didn’t listen to my perfectionism, because this chat was too good to leave unpublished.


0:40 Thinking critically
2:00 The uninterested man
4:00 Blind spots
5:06 Observing others
6:13 What people DO, not just what they SAY
6:52 Men without maps
9:19 Writing helps
9:57 Not being able to EXPRESS yourself
10:30 Writing clarifies your thinking
11:02 Stumbling toward clarity
13:27 The right to exist
15:03 Relating to people & yourself
17:13 Impulse control
19:42 Training the weak parts of yourself
21:41 Awareness
23:31 Obedient lions
24:42 Embarrassed lions
25:44 A lack of SELF perception
28:01 Empty men taking on the world
29:12 Gaslighting masculinity
31:06 Standing up straight takes a while
35:16 Sub-communications
37:05 Letting go of perfection to improve
39:31 Stepping away from the structure
41:23 Don't be afraid of who you actually are
42:14 Trust your gut
43:03 Trust yourself
43:48 You can't just be an Actor
44:49 Don't be their DEPENDENT child
45:33 Putting up walls
46:22 Glass half full
48:03 Room to grow
48:44 Masculinity is "in the closet"
49:12 Digging your way out
51:45 A lost language
53:58 Cross-dressing
54:45 Forgiveness
55:39 The permission to risk
56:30 Experience
57:07 Self-reflective awareness
58:37 Resisting fate
59:04 Living in past pain
1:00:55 How do you help someone think better?
1:04:27 Changing bad habits
1:05:47 Maladaptive instincts
1:07:41 No one's perfect
1:09:36 Learn & apply
1:12:28 Hysteria
1:13:31 Bare attention
1:14:32 Bottleneck
1:16:48 Avoiding foundations
1:18:09 Addressing the issue
1:19:38 Do you CARE about your life?
1:23:12 Eyes open
1:23:47 The trap of living in your head
1:25:08 Although...your head can save you
1:26:27 Moments that change you
1:27:38 The "little things"
1:28:17 Knowing yourself philosophically
1:31:12 It's not just about who you aren't
1:32:16 Bias & perception
1:32:36 Sick of not GOING anywhere
1:33:33 Your happiness
1:35:21 A SLOW existential train wreck
1:36:05 Use it...or lose it
1:36:27 Today's unreal era
1:37:39 New challenges
1:39:16 What's the alternative?
1:40:00 Writing (& rewriting ) as a metaphor to life itself
1:41:27 Seeing yourself honestly & thinking, "Good God, is that really ME?"
1:42:52 Being better