Sunday, August 23, 2020

Explorer - (music score)

Some of you know that I also score the music in my videos. By request, here is one of the latest (Featured in my recent "Men Getting Frustrated" video ) Subscribe to my music channel. Enjoy!

Women don’t matter | The individual does

I realise bad groups of people exist, but I'd like to focus on the people you let into your life personally... I think there’s a clarity in judging the individual woman who is in front of you, rather seeing her as ALL women (the PLURAL). From there you can make much better decisions

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Men Getting Frustrated | A Push Pull Dynamic

You know why I miss how men used to discuss male-female relations back in the day? Because it was much more philosophically PRACTICAL. It was not so much what men talked about in relation to the women, but HOW it was talked about. Currently many men seem to just point out “how dumb women can act” - and while entertaining - leaves many lost and frustrated.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Your socially approved persona - The Thespian male

Modern masculinity often comes off as men performing male ‘interpretive dance’.

Drop the act | Who's it for anyway?

It's better to be loved (or rejected) for WHO YOU ARE, than for some polished act you present to others.

Why aren't you married? | Answering with analogies

Do you freeze or get embarrassed when people ask you personal questions about how or why you live the way you do? Your morals. Would recalling simple (yet clear) analogies help explain things to others?

Saturday, August 15, 2020

What does she value?

Tomi Lahren recently vented her frustrated at how men are not acting as they should. She talked a lot about what she expected and demanded from men. But did you notice what she didn't VALUE?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

It's all your fault - from now on

If you love chocolate milk and someone hands you a wretched flavour. A flavour that makes you sick. You drink it. And continue to drink it... Who’s fault is it then? Who’s fault is it if you smile and say, “This tastes great! Can I have another?”

The death of love

What’s worse...? Being alone without love. Feeling alone IN a loveless relationship. The pain of loss after a relationship. Is it worth it?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Just get into a relationship? - ( Don't overthink it )

A guy recently said to me, “huMAN, you look too closely at women and relationships. Don’t be too picky. If you get a few years out of a relationship, then that's a win.”

Be courageous, not reckless

My last video was about the courage to do what is right for you. When you know that the only thing stopping you is fear alone. Where you can’t live the way you have been anymore, and you’re done with a lifeless routine that you’re ASHAMED of … And if you don’t do it now, you’ll regret it forever…. That’s what the last video was about...AU’s story (in that video) was an inspirational tale of his courage. That moment many of us wish for (or are fortunate to have experienced).

Don't waste your life

As I get older, one theme that’s constantly pushing its way to the front of my consciousness (day-in and day-out) is not to waste anymore time on the past.  Either reliving it, or regretting it... but to simply try and make the most of what i have left, with as much enthusiasm  as i can honestly muster... because you know what, there’ll be plenty of time for doing nothing afterwards.

What if you won the lottery?

What if you won the lottery?... What would you do? We often ask this fun question but we don't take it seriously. But what if you framed the question to make you THINK about your current life...? That is, "If you won the lottery, would you leave your lover? Or your job? Or routines?

The question, "What would you do if you won the lottery?" is actually a question of courage. It's better to be honest and ask, "What would I do without fear?"

Is her story any good?

Consider thinking about the life you'll have with a woman, as a story you're handed to read. Is it a tragedy?